Thursday, September 6, 2012

Off the Shelf

As food is one of the most important things in my life, I decided to place it first. I have pizza about three times a week, which sounds unhealthy. But at 800 Degrees, it's actually not bad. I mean, a lot of carbs. But I am not that girl who is worried about that kind of stuff. Tonight I got a verdure for the first time. It is delicious, let me tell all of you out in cyber-space. Being in Indiana, when people call in and ask for this pizza, they often say "I would like a ver-dur." I stifle my giggles and type it into the computer system. Today, I bought one and typed it out as verdur. Both the pizza and the chuckles from the cooks were thoroughly enjoyable.

Every few months I have a few days where I listen to the worst quality of music ever. This week it's Britney Spears. I listen to the classics, when she was fifteen, as well as the post-bald phase of Britney. Radar is my complete favorite even though the entire three minutes is one auto-tuned note after another. The synthesizer leads into the bass bumping enough to shake the entire car. Then comes the nasal, completely fake voice, with rhyme after rhyme. So awful, but so catchy.

After reading Mindy Kaling's book, I decided to watch Goodwill Hunting, written and staring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. I was talking to my brother as it started and he said, "I'm glad you're watching it; it's the only thing that doesn't make me want to punch Ben Affleck in the face." Nathan is not Ben's biggest fan. Robin Williams is so often in comedies that it felt strange to see him yelling at a young-man, as his therapist. The professor who is pushing Damon's character the entire time reminded me of a more abrasive version of my father. The guy who pushes people in the direction he wants them, even if it's not what they want. I cried when Damon's character broke up with his girlfriend and again when he's fighting with Williams. Quality film right there.

Flannery O'Connor. I know she's a respected American author. But I just hate her short stories. I've read three and all three have just confirmed and reconfirmed my opinion of her. Being super catholic all of her stories are considered rather gruesome and graphic. A lot of religious motif's are brought up. And I just don't enjoy reading about that stuff. They seem too common to me. Repetitive.

Watching Two:
Watching the Office is a pretty bad habit for me. I watch episode after episode everyday. And after watching Goodwill Hunting, I finally get a reference Michael makes. The office workers go down to the warehouse to have a "guys day." Michael is explaining himself to the warehouse workers and says "It's a Goodwill Hunting situation. I have to make sure there's nobody down here that shouldn't be." Now I understand it! That's why I can watch the same episode 100 times, I learn something new every time.

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